Experience Chinatown: Lion Resistance
Photo by Mel Taing 2021
Lion Resistance
Two lions -- one hok san lion (鶴山獅) and one fut san lion (佛山獅) -- show joy and strength in community resistance. Lion dance (舞獅) is a cultural art with roots in China, that is practiced and performed in Boston Chinatown. Lion dance is performed by two martial artists -- one manipulating the head, and the other playing the tail. You may have seen lions stomping through fireworks during Lunar New Year. Instead of fireworks, the lions are dancing through water; the waves around the feet of the lion dancers are inspired by the Chinese idiom 水漲船高 (the rising tide lifts all boats).
Experience Chinatown is a project of BCNC’s Pao Arts Center. Learn more about Experience Chinatown 2021.
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